All systems operational
This is the ThingPark Services's status page, where you'll find the current status and incident history of ThingPark Services. Don't agree with what's reported here? Contact us at
Don't agree with what's reported here? Contact us at
US PROD Operational
Status of our SaaS production platform hosted in North Virginia.
Network Server for ThingPark Wireless Operational
API and GUI Operational
ThingPark X IoT-Flow Operational
Thingpark FUOTA Operational
Thingpark X Location Engine Operational
Network Server for ThingPark Enterprise Operational
AU PROD Operational
Status of our SaaS production platform hosted in Sydney.
Network Server for ThingPark Wireless Operational
Network Server for ThingPark Enterprise Operational
API and GUI Operational
Thingpark X Location Engine Operational
ThingPark X IoT-Flow Operational
Thingpark FUOTA Operational
EU PROD Operational
Status of our SaaS production platform hosted in Dublin.
Network Server for ThingPark Wireless Operational
Network Server for ThingPark Enterprise Operational
API and GUI Operational
ThingPark X IoT-Flow Operational
Thingpark X Location Engine Operational
Thingpark FUOTA Operational
Join Server for ThingPark Activation Operational
ThingPark Exchange Operational
Status of our roaming production platform hosted in Dublin.
PROD Operational
PREPROD Operational
ThingPark MarketPlace Operational
Status of our marketplace.
Thingpark Community, PoCs and Dev1 Operational
Network Server for PoCs Operational
Network Server for Dev1 Operational
API and GUI Operational
Thingpark X Location Engine Operational
ThingPark X IoT-Flow Operational
Thingpark FUOTA Operational
Test and pre-production platform Operational
Status of our SaaS platform used for non-production use.
AU PREPROD Operational
Status of our SaaS pre-production platform hosted in Sydney.
Network Server for ThingPark Wireless Operational
API and GUI Operational
ThingPark X IoT-Flow Operational
Thingpark FUOTA Operational
EU PREPROD Operational
API and GUI Operational
Network Server for ThingPark Wireless and Enterprise Operational
ThingPark X IoT-Flow Operational
Thingpark FUOTA Operational
Join Server for ThingPark Activation Operational
Actility Analytics tool Operational
Incident & maintenance history
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