COMMUNITY UPDATE - FUOTA v1.5.4 from 2024-06-03 08:00 UTC to 2024-06-03 09:00 UTC

Scheduled maintenance Thingpark Community, PoCs and Dev1 Thingpark FUOTA
2024-06-03 08:00 UTC · 1 hour



Upgrade is completed

June 3, 2024 · 08:39 UTC

Upgrade is started

June 3, 2024 · 08:38 UTC

Actility Network Operations is going to install FUOTA v1.5.4 on the Community platform.

This is a maintenance release.

Service impact: On-going campaigns will fail.

Release notes

New feature



FOTA-535: Parameter “Datafile ready acknowledgment” not taken into account

FOTA-554: FragSessionSetup - “BlockAckDelay” not set according to “rebootTimeSpreading”

FOTA-555: devRebootTimeReq contains a time different from the one configured in campaign

FOTA-557: “invalid mcsession time” whereas Frag session start date/time has not been set

FOTA-559: Campaign timed out whereas device reported its firmware version successfully

FOTA-560: “Upload Binary File” campaign with API v1 - FragSessionStatus sent long after the last fragment is sent

FOTA-563: Agent do not reply with DevRegisterReq is received outside of Campaign

FOTA-566: MC Group display issue - “Multicast DR” column is empty

FOTA-571: FOTA campaign stopped with success if all devices sent FragDataBlockRecevied within DataFragment stage

FOTA-572: If campaign was copied and reboot time was set it is not possible to set new time

June 3, 2024 · 08:00 UTC

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