EU PROD MAINTENANCE - Redundancy test for data path on site 2 from 2024-01-31 09:00 UTC to 2024-01-31 16:00 UTC
SLRC1 configuration has been rolled back.
Both SLRCs are under monitoring.
SLRC1 has been reconfigured.
Both SLRCs are under monitoring.
Actility Network Operations is going to validate data path on site 2.
Site 2 is used as a backup link for the data path.
After the Operating System upgrade done in December 2023, we need to validate traffic can be handled by site 2 if the data path on site 1 is not operational.
Traffic will be monitored closely during the maintenance window.
Only data path related to gateways with IPSec will be verified (only SLRC1 is reconfigured).
Gateways connected to the backend without IPSec are not concerned by this maintenance operation.
Gateways using basics station are not concerned by this maintenance operation.
No service impact is expected.
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